Forum to Discuss Health Care Finance Beyond the Affordable Care Act

You Are Invited:

Health Care Finance
Beyond the Affordable Care Act:
Missouri and Single Payer

Thursday, March 6, 2014
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Central Reform Congregation
5020 Waterman Boulevard
St. Louis MO 63108

Despite the ACA’s many vital reforms of the health insurance industry, fundamental problems remain.  Professor Gerald Friedman, Ph.D., will discuss the merits and limits of the ACA, the problems going forward, and how single payer is the only way to control costs and provide affordable coverage for all Americans.  He will present estimates of how a single-payer system could work in Missouri, the savings it would achieve and potential financing methods.

Friedman, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst, focuses on economic history, labor history and economics, and the history of economic thought.  He has been a regular media correspondent on the international financial crisis.  Friedman earned his doctorate in economics at Harvard. He is the author of several books and scholarly articles.

RSVP requested but not required.  Email
Light refreshments will be served.
Admission is free but donations are welcome.

Hosted by:
Physicians for a NationalHealth Program
Consumers Council of Missouri
Missouriansfor Single Payer Health Care for All

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