Jeanette (“J-Mo”) Mott Oxford

Oxford has been an advocate, educator, writer, and organizer on issues of poverty, health, housing, racism, human rights, equality, tax policy, and campaign finance reform in Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri since 1983. Oxford has been executive director of two statewide not-for-profits, and was State Representative for a portion of the City of St. Louis from 2005-12. She served as Ranking Member on the Children and Families Committee for most of that time, and also as Vice-Chair of Ethics, 2011-12.

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Ed Weisbart MD, CPE, FAAFP

Weisbart is a retired family physician in Olivette, MO. He also volunteers as the national board secretary of Physicians for a National Health Program, a non-profit non-partisan organization that has advocated for Improved Medicare for All since 1988.

After practicing family medicine for 20 years at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, he moved to St. Louis in 2003 to serve as chief medical officer of Express Scripts until retiring in 2010. He volunteered as an assistant professor of clinical medicine at Washington University in St. Louis, MO until retiring clinically in 2021.

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Dave Cannon

Mr. Cannon has an MBA in finance and has worked as a bookkeeper, in addition to managing retirement and executive compensation plans. He served as the treasurer of the Westchester Elementary School PTO and is well versed in balance sheets, budgets, and tax forms. He has volunteered as a coach, classroom assistant, and parent assistant when needed.

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Etefia Umana

Mr. Umana holds a JD/MSW and has a background in law, social work, and education. He has experience with diverse populations including people with disabilities and physical challenges, older adults, and multiple racially and economically diverse communities. He has worked as an educational consultant, director of student services, director of guidance, teacher, and legal analyst/bankruptcy specialist. He chaired the board of Better Family Life, a nonprofit community development corporation that works to stabilize inner-city neighborhoods.

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Nicole Lynch

Ms. Lynch has a master’s degree in social work. She works as the Policy and Advocacy Director for VOYCE. In her previous position, she spent four years working in a Residential Care Facility. Ms. Lynch found her passion for advocacy and grassroots organizing through internship experiences. During her final semester of graduate school, she worked as a full-time legislative intern for Empower Missouri.

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Representative Peter Merideth

Representative Merideth is the Missouri State Representative for the 80th District. He is the ranking member on the House Budget and General Laws Committee. Rep. Merideth worked as an attorney, and he has spent the past 8 years as a legislator. He served as the president of the Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association, the Garden District Commission, and the St Louis City Board of Equalization. In his spare time, he sings regularly with church choirs.

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Shawna Collier

Ms. Collier is a Business Development Specialist for the Port Authority. She previously served as the Chief Partnership Officer for Justine Petersen. Her background spans over 26 years in the financial industry, working with customers to reach their personal and professional financial goals, supporting and helping small businesses from concept to viability, and working throughout the community with partners and collaboratives to improve the conditions in our communities.

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Georgie Donahue, CCAP

Donahue is Director of Program Administration at Community Action Agency of St. Louis County. In this capacity she provides leadership and direction to various programs serving low-income families, including Case-Management, home-ownership, financial empowerment, LIHEAP and other services. Georgie serves as Co-Chair of the St. Louis Regional Financial Empowerment Coalition, and is a member of the state and national Community Action partnerships.

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Alderwoman Cara Spencer

Alderwoman Spencer serves on the St. Louis City Board of Aldermen, as alderwoman of Ward 8, having previously represented Ward 20 from 2015 to 2023. Her work on the board intersects with her commitment to consumer issues. In 2016 she passed the country’s toughest municipal legislation regulating payday lending and in 2017 led the city-wide campaign to pass its associated fee at the ballot.

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Odester Dixon Saunders

Saunders, formerly with Chemical Bank, NY, Citicorp Mortgage Co., and Prudential Insurance, has over 30 years advising on financial planning, public policy, real estate and community development. She is founder and managing general partner of LDS Management LLC., curating and producing lifestyle events. She is also a principal of Legacy Footprints Development and Tours.

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