2020-2023: Ameren and Spire Rate Increases Exceed Recent Inflation and Wage Growth

According to a report recently completed by Strategen Consulting, Inc., Ameren‘s residential customers have experienced significant recent increases in their electricity bills, outpacing both national inflation (18.62%) and Missouri average weekly wage growth (16%).

  • During the period from 2020 – 2023, the average Ameren summer residential bill rose by +19.56% and the average winter residential bill rose by +21.05%.
  •  Strategen concluded that the bill increases are not due to rising fuel costs. Infrastructure investments appear to be the principal driver of residential bill increases.

Strategen also found that during the period from winter 2020-2021 through winter 2023-2024, Spire East and West customers experienced significant residential bill increases which outpaced both national inflation and Missouri average weekly wage growth.

  • The average Spire East customer has experienced a +62% increase in their winter bill since winter 2020-2021.
  • The average Spire West customer has experienced a +109% increase in their water bill since winter 2020-2021.
  • Rates for Missouri Spire’s purchase gas adjustment rider, the mechanism the utility uses to recover commodity costs, have also increased over the last three years.

Full report available here:  Ameren and Spire Rate Increases: Exceed Recent Inflation and Wages, prepared by Strategen, May 2024.

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