Take the Opportunity to Tell Regulators How Higher Electric Bills Would Affect Your Budget
Ameren Missouri wants to increase the rates customers pay by nearly 10 percent (9.65 percent) in order to raise its income by $265 million a year. Since 2008 Ameren customers have suffered under rate increases of more than 43 percent.
The company also wants to raise the profit it can earn to 10.4 percent from the current 9.8 percent. Consumer advocates want to lower that percentage to 9.1 percent. Ameren also wants to continue the fuel adjustment charge, which allows it to raise customers’ rates when the price of fuel goes up. Consumers want to eliminate the fuel adjustment charge.
Submit Written Comments
Public hearings took place In January, but the case continues. If you were unable to attend a hearing you may submit written comments to the commission. Click here to go to the comment page on the PSC website. The case tracking number is ER-2014-0258.
The PSC is not obligated to consider written comments as it does testimony at public hearings, which is given under oath.