Our Mission

Consumers Council of Missouri builds on its foundation, laid in 1971, to educate consumers statewide and advocate for their collective interests through leadership and partnerships on issues such as utility rates, health care access, personal finance and others as they arise.

Consumers Council of Missouri - Headquarterd in St. Louis, MO
Consumers Council of Missouri - Building a More Inclusive and Equitable Community

Our History

The consumer movement in Missouri was founded four decades ago by Alberta Slavin and Joyce Armstrong. These women recognized that the prices of every day groceries varied wildly even within the same grocery chain. Prices were consistently higher in the north side of St. Louis city, where residents had less access to transportation than the same goods just a few miles south in nicer, more affluent areas.

These women organized groups of volunteers, armed with clipboards and grocery lists to conduct regular price checks and then worked meticulously to publish these differences in a weekly newspaper. This work in holding grocers accountable lead to more standardized and fair pricing for St. Louis grocery store consumers.

From there, the Utility Consumers Council of Missouri was formed to fight unfair practices of utility companies. Organized to educate and empower consumers statewide and to advocate for common interests, Consumers Council works to restore the historic balance between consumers and businesses.  We are a membership organization working for the shared interests of all Missouri consumers; we do not represent individual consumers.

Consumers Council of Missouri began advocating in 2006, noting that consumer interests were being ignored in the halls of power, where well-financed lobbies for big business too often prevail.

Consumers Council uses consumer experts to help keep the public informed and to analyze important issues in areas such as energy, insurance and finance.   We advocate for consumers’ interests locally, regionally, statewide and nationally by organizing consumers and educating policy makers through direct contact, email alerts and our website.

Anyone may become a member of Consumers Council of Missouri. We do require annual dues of $10. To join, please fill out our donation form here.

Consumers Council is a non-governmental, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Our Staff

Sandra Padgett - Executive Director for Consumers Council of Missouri

Sandra Padgett

Executive Director
Sandra is an experienced Attorney and MSW, who has years of experience in various non-profits, schools and court systems, advocating for families and children. Her leadership, advocacy and legal skills will strengthen Consumers Council's capacity to serve our community.
Jacqueline Hutchinson - Director of Advocacy for Consumers Council of Missouri

Jacqueline Hutchinson

Director of Advocacy
Jackie served as a board member of Consumers Council since 2008, and stepped down as board chair to serve as Executive Director, after retiring from more than 40 years in Community Action agencies. She is excited to have this new role, as CCM expands its capacity to advocate for the health and safety of vulnerable members of our community.
John B. Coffman - Utility Consumer Counsel for Consumers Council of Missouri

John B. Coffman

Utility Consumer Counsel
John is a nationally recognized attorney who represents Consumers Council on utility regulation and public policy. He is the former director of the Missouri Office of the Public Counsel and teaches energy utility law as an adjunct professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Coffman is also currently serving as executive director.
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