
Consumers Council works collaboratively for economic justice on issues relating to utility rates, equity in lending and banking access, access to healthcare, and other issues as they arise.

Membership levels begin at $10.00 per year. You may also join at the Advocate Level: $50 per year; the Supporter Level: $150 per year; the Consumer Protection Leader Level: $250 per year; or the Consumer Champion Level: $500 per year.

Become a donor and join the Consumers Council of Missouri.

When you join Consumers Council as a member, you:

Whether you are passionate about utility rates, personal finance, or healthcare, you will find that our members share your commitment to level the playing field for Missouri consumers, especially those who are low- and moderate-income.

If you aren’t ready to join Consumers Council, but would still like to contribute to our cause, please visit our Donation page.

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Become a Member of CCM?
Choose Membership Level
Your Information
I would like to volunteer for Consumers Council of Missouri, by:

Payment secured by Square. Your donation will appear on your credit card or bank statement as SQ *CONSUMERS COUNCIL.

If you would like to join and pay by check, please mail to: Consumers Council of Missouri, 20 S. Sarah Street, St. Louis MO 63108. Make checks payable to Consumers Council of Missouri. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, e-mail address and phone number.

Your contribution may be tax deductible. Consumers Council of Missouri is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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