Health Insurance Rate Review 2018

Consumers Council of Missouri has completed a complete review of proposed 2018 health insurance rates in the state of Missouri. This marks the first year the Missouri Department of Insurance has the authority to review rates and CCM is calling for the Department to deem each of the rates hikes “unreasonable.”

Three companies will be offering insurance on the exchange in Missouri in 2018: Cigna, Anthem and Centene (new to the MO exchange). Proposed rate increases are proposed to affect hundreds of thousands of Missourians and increases vary from 17% to 73% for individual plans, having a significant impact on consumer ability to afford insurance.

In summary, the filings include several unreasonable assumptions as well as a redaction of much of the data needed to properly analyze the findings. Therefore, Consumers Council of Missouri urges the Department to exercise its authority under Mo. Rev. Stat. § 376.465.10(4) and deem both Cigna and Healthy Alliance rates unreasonable absent further justification.

CCM’s full report of Cigna’s rate filing can be downloaded here and our full report for Healthy Alliance can be downloaded here and with our letter to the Department which summarizes both may be viewed here.

Join us in commenting to the Department of insurance. Instructions for filing comments can be found here and a sample letter to the Department can be downloaded here.

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