Laclede Gas / Spire Hearings

Laclede Gas Company / MGE (Spire) has filed for a double digit rate increase that would affect both sides of Missouri. This proposal would increase annual revenues by by $58.1 million. Included is a proposal to dramatically shift costs from large industrials to residential consumers.

Consumers Council of Missouri has successfully filed for intervention and have submitted expert testimony in the case, arguing for a low-income benefit program proposal.

To provide comment to the Public Service Commission on how this will impact your household, submit your comment with us. We’ve made it easy here.


Or you can attend a hearing:

Sept 19, 6pm: Joplin, M

Sept 21, 12pm: Independence, MO

Sept 21, 6pm: St. Joseph, MO

Oct 2, 6pm: Arnold, MO

Oct 3, 12pm and 6pm: St. Louis, MO

Oct 5, 12pm and 6pm: St. Louis, MO

Oct 11, 6pm: Kansas City, MO

Oct 12, 12pm and 6pm: Kansas City, MO
Laclede provides natural gas service to approximately 647,200 customers in the City of St. Louis as well as the Missouri counties of St. Louis, St. Charles, Butler, Iron, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Crawford, St. Francois and Ste. Genevieve.

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